

Any world simple enough to be understood would be too simple to do anything interesting.


how to be stupid

A good bullshit detector is like getting free IQ points.

A defective bullshit detector is like an intelligence offset. A lot of smart people are made functionally stupid by their willingness to believe bullshit.

Others are stupid to begin with, and don't need ideology to help get them there.


self-actualization in action

Having internalized the complete oeuvre of Dale Carnegie, and completed my set of Abraham Maslow action figures, I can now confidently say that my hierarchy of needs has been satisfied top to bottom, leaving me with no higher goal than the creation of my own prescriptive dictionary.

I know it is a bit of a cliche, but I am comfortable with that.


Let your blogging be better than silence

Having a forum does not imply that you have anything to say.